Salah Assessment Sheet
Salah Assessment Sheet
Salah Assessment Sheet
This sheet allows a teacher to assess a student and mark each individual position and recital allowing for improvements each time they're assessed. It is up to the teacher to assess in whichever way they want, below is an account of how teachers have used it at one Madrassah:
The pupils were given practical workshops on salah throughout Ramadhan and were then assessed using the attached sheet. Those scoring excellent in all areas were gifted a prize and a Salah License. Those that were weak will be re-assessed in the areas that needed attention. We will do this every year to ensure everyone in our Madrasah is able to perform Salah correctly. The plan is to advance those that scored well in this initial assessment to quizzing them on the Faraidh and Wajibat of Salah and other aspects relating to Salah.