
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content. An Nasihah welcomes any feedback that may help us correct any errors or omissions in future editions.

Any factual or grammatical errors that could affect the meaning will be listed below for the benefit of teachers. Formatting and typographical errors will generally be corrected without acknowledgement, as long as they do not alter the original meaning or intent of the text.

Book Name Edition Page No. Correction Notes
Surah & Dua Book 4th Edition 116 (86) Dua 74: Janazah du’a’ for a female infant مجابا corrected to مجابة on page 86 in the 5th Edition.
Surah & Dua Book 5th Edition 84 Dua 70: Reply to the words of adhan The correct reply has been published in the 7th Edition.

How to Report an Error

If you notice any factual, grammatical, or typographical errors, please contact us using the contact form.